Retrain nerves for TMJ pain

TMJ Issues?

Clinical Somatic movements can retrain the nervous system by using a technique called pandiculation to retrain muscle memory and relieve pain.

Temporomandibular joints connect the jawbone to the skull and allows the jaw to open and close like a hinge as well as slide from side to side.

TMJ pain can be excruciating and debilitating and can come on suddenly. It is typically caused by dysfunction of the muscular patterns from habitual muscular tension. When TMJ suddenly interferes with eating and talking, immediate relief is desired. 

Specific movements can directly address many types of jaw and facial muscle issues by releasing involuntary muscle contraction in the jaw and face, neck and upper body to alleviate compression on the jaw.

Shoulder Issues?

Clinical Somatic movements can retrain the nervous system by using a technique called pandiculation to retrain muscle memory and relieve pain.

Specific movements can directly address many types of shoulder issues by releasing involuntary muscle contraction in the shoulders and alleviate compression on the spine. 

Shoulder Muscle Tension and Pain

Back Issues?

Clinical Somatic movements can retrain the nervous system by using a technique called pandiculation to retrain muscle memory and relieve pain.

Specific movements can directly address many types of back issues by releasing involuntary muscle contraction in the back, shoulders and buttocks to alleviate compression on the spine. 

Hip Issues?

Clinical Somatic movements can retrain the nervous system by using a technique called pandiculation to retrain muscle memory and relieve pain. 

Specific movements can directly address many types of  hip pain and hip issues by releasing involuntary muscle contraction in the hips, buttocks, iliotbial band, and iliopsoas to alleviate chronic pain and inflammation in and around the hip bones and joints.